Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Lowest Price of Cloud Hash Ever

Wow Folks An amazing turn out for our first Couple days in action! Check out Our Cloud MH/s & GH/s Listings. With a volume of over $28,000 on our Listings we have accelerated beyond our expectations.

Zeus Hash being our Focus Platform has been Throwing their best deals up for everybody now. We are Currently advertising at a mere $5.42 / mh/s. As we expand communications with ZeusHash our process becomes smoother and more reliable.

Our Goal has been to help users Secure the transaction process.

As we develop our system Kinks and flaws will be worked out as they come along. Please understand if there are un expected delays Due to Platform Customer Service Lag. We cannot do anything about this, As it is a manual transition from one Email to the next and Several Confirmations. This is leading to the Fee's being higher than Different types of escrow available. But we are here with you, 7 days a week ready to execute.

This is a huge deal! Simply spamming forums will not ensure immediate results! So I have initiated this promotional Benefit to Generate an ad words account Targeting Specific buyers.

Well here it is on my end, I will set the account up to directly advertise to buyers interested in Cloud Hash. We are running on a Small budget and we hate to Spam Donate addresses if you want to help speed up the processes then here is an address that can allow us to buy more "views" on ad-words.

< 16LhZwQ8YD1jVDE3b1tWq9x6y4T8QoJYiH  >  BTC

<  LUb9PtPtNR75kTwMrhsFQmD8i3AiuZKszp  >   LTC

Don't want to donate? I don't blame you! So to MANUALLY Speed up the sale of your Listed account Start your very own personal GOOGLE AD-Words Account. Simply advertizing your Mh/s to USD ratio May draw the specific buyer interested in buying your account! Again, Simply link the Ad-words Button your funding to the Listings page!

Please Send us your Suggestions for Everything and Anything

As always(approx. 56 hours now) we are dedicated to the security of the transaction! All Sales information will be Emailed through Google Servers and Nothing Less. Hotmail is good for a Spammable email, IE I allow Spam to Flow to it freely!

Happy Thanks Giving Folks

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