Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hi all invest into Ripoff Coin for a Genuine Profitable experience,
@Bilibong83 M8 that sounds like Gaw is Flattering you with Shenanigans!!

Put up numbers or Shut up *Cough Simply stating I already Made ROI does not what so ever mean anything.
Paycoin Dividend lol

Once again want some RIpoff Coin? I’ll sell ya some RIpoff Coin if you want some :P Hey try mining ripoff Coin I’m still finding blocks with blizzards! woot

Still holding my LTC My brain Blew out of my Skull Days ago but Yea W/e Ripoff COin has massive potential.

I hope Terry Throws 100% of his LTC miners on to the RIpoff Coin Mining pool, And Vwala RIPO goes to 1 USD a piece… Terry are u down for this?

If LTC Does not continue to produce no sense in paying to mine Electricity to mine for mining.

Mine RIPOFF COIN With All Script Miners!

*Its been Seen by many
*Many are wrong about its Legitimacy


See what I mean people! Don’t sell your LTC, Hold.
Switch Stratum’s over to RIPOFF COIN pools Lots of blocks Waiting!
I say Again, Simply with the Group we have here the coin could see 100X its Current Value.
Buy it up, it will be To rare to obtain after a Group of such Gravity as us decides to adopt a Blooming Gem.
*Critical P.s. IF LTC mining Ceases Here at Zeus Hash there will be a SURPLUS of MH waiting for a Direction to mine that is profitable.
I’ll be 100% honest Investing into RIpoff Coin is A gamble. But if math works in my head right, LTC is designed to be asic Resistant. I didn’t understand that at first.

So which Millionaire is Going to Be our plan B?

*invest 250,000 USD into Buying Pure LTC To Save the Futures of LTC miners around the world.

 In response to


"Gaw upgraded there GensisHashlets from 10GH to 15GH when the ROI dropped on the originals i bought. And I’ve actually made my ROI back already from GAW and the option to switch to Hashtakers is gonna put me way up on Dividends especially if Paycoin holds its price. Hell since they released Paycoin Ive been mining what I usually do in a month in less than a day And thats not to mention what I’ll get when the Hashpoints convert to paycoins. So its no contest in my mind GAW actually had a plan to help their customers. Zeus is gonna wind up in a lawsuit for the shenanigans there pulling"

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