Sunday, December 21, 2014

How to get free bitcoin



I was jobless with no bills living with mom when I first became interested in Bitcoin.

        Had I known the future I could have made a couple thousand maybe even $10,000 Plus. I was sitting on my retirement money at the age of 22 I had 700 USD saved in a TSP(Thrift Savings Plan) that I began during my time in the US Navy.

    At the time Bitcoin was in its Bloom, it had reached $91 USD around JUNE 2013 I watched the price for the next year. By December it had Boomed beyond all expectations. As I didn't have a Job or much experience into the Bitcoin World I had no plans to purchase BTC. This I regret now, but in my Daze of watching the price of Bitcoin Rock the world I began to search for way's of Getting free Bitcoin.


     I Joined around January 2014, My Referrals get .025% return with activity. I have Generated close to $3 USD / Month for free in Bitcoin. Just recently I noticed I have made one referral so here is an attempt to help those like me.

 There is always a chance to win the Big win and take home over $150 USD in BTC. Which is Globally transferable in under 10 min at a max fee of .0001 BTC.



  Not only will you know how to get free Bitcoin's but will also Pay for the transaction Fee If your account balance is over the minimum of 0.00005460 BTC which can take as little as 1 second per hour for 10 hours. 

After 4 Months of turning Auto pay off I have accumulated the equivalent of 60 Transaction fee's.

Randy Forum Moderator

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